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Jobs & Other Proccupations, short stories by Daniel Coshnear.

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     ISBN: 1-884235-34-4, $12.95 + $3 S&H

Toy Guns, short stories by Lisa Norris.

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One Girl, a novel in stories by Sheila Kohler.

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     1993 Willa Cather Fiction Prizewinner.

     ISBN: 0-9627460-9-6, $12.95 + $3 S&H

The Value of Kindness, short stories by Ellyn Bache OUT OF PRINT

     1992 Willa Cather Fiction Prizewinner.

     ISBN: 0-9627460-8-8, $11.95 (Out of print)

Italian Smoking Piece with Simultaneous Translation,

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     ISBN 0-9627460-7-X, $10.00 + $3 S&H

Sweet Angel Band, stories by Rose Marie Kinder.

     1991 Willa Cather Fiction Prizewinner.

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To Fly Without Wings, poems by Judy Ray

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How I Came to Love Jazz, poems by Phyllis Becker

     ISBN: 978-1-884235-41-2, $9.95 + $3 S&H

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Chance of a Ghost -
an anthology of contemporary ghost poems,
edited by Gloria Vando & Phill Miller

     ISBN: 1-884235-38-7, $14.95 + $3 S&H

Conversation, poems by Ann Slegman

     ISBN: 1-884235-37-9, $9.95 + $3 S&H

Branches Snapping, poems by Philip Miller

     ISBN: 1-884235-36-0, $9.95 + $3 S&H

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Flesh, poems by Susan Gubernat.

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Prayers to the Other Life, poems by Christopher Seid.

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Without Warning by Elizabeth Goldring.

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Night Drawings by Marjorie Stelmach. Winner of the 1994 Marianne

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Wool Highways: Poems of New Zealand by David Ray.

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Black Method by Biff Russ. Winner of the 1991 Marianne Moore

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     ISBN: 0-9627460-1-0



Outside Language: Essays by Robert Stewart, 2003

     ISBN: 1-884235-35-2, $9.95 + $3 S&H



Chance of A Ghost, An Anthology of Ghost Poems, edited by Gloria Vando

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     City (forthcoming September 2005).

     ISBN: 1-884235-38-7, $14.95 + $3 S&H

Spud Songs: An Anthology of Potato Poems, edited by Gloria Vando

     and Robert Stewart. Proceeds to benefit Hunger Relief.

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Poets at Large: 25 Poets in 25 Homes, edited by H.L. Hix.

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The Helicon Nine Reader: A Celebration of Women in the Arts,
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     ISBN: 0-9627460-1-0,  $25 + $3 S&H



FEUILLETS (chapbooks)

Ancient Musics, a poetry sequence by Albert Goldbarth.

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A Walk through the Human Heart, a poem by Robley Wilson.

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Christmas 1956, a poem by Keith Denniston   Cover: Concie Denniston.

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Climatron, a poem by Robert Stewart. Drawings by Marilyn Mahoney.

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Cortˇge, a poem by Carl Phillips.  Cover: Ruth Thorne-Thomson.

     ISBN: 1-884235-00-X  $3.00

Down & In, poems by Dan Quisenberry. Cover: Louis Marak.

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Dresden, a poem by Patricia Cleary Miller. Cover: Otto Piene.

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Generations, a poem by George Wedge. Cover: Louis Marak.

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The Heart, a short story by Catherine Browder.

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R. I. P., a poem by E.S. Miller.

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Short Prose, an illustrated essay by M. Kasper.

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Slivers, a poem by Philip Miller.

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StravinskyÕs Dream, a story by Conger Beasley, Jr.

     ISBN: 1-884235-06-9  $3.00

This is how they were placed for us, a poem by Luci Tapahonso.

     Cover: Philomene Bennett.

     ISBN: 1-884235-01-8  $2.50

Tokens, a poem by Judy Ray.

     ISBN: 1-884235-15-8  $3.00



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